How to Get in Locked Car


Getting locked out of your car is an inconvenience nobody wants to face.

Yet, it happens to the best of us! But don’t fret.

In this article, we’ll dive into how to regain access to your car safely.

1. Stay Calm and Check All Doors

Check all the car doors and the trunk to see if one is unlocked.

2. Use Your Car’s Unlocked Services

Many modern cars have a service to unlock your car remotely.

Check your car manual or call your dealership to learn more.

How to Get in Locked Car


3. Reach Out for a Spare Key

If someone else has a spare key, now’s a good time to call them.

It’s handy to keep a spare key with a trusted friend or family member.

4. Using Tools for Unlocking

There are tools available that can help you unlock your car without a key.

  • Use a slim jim
  • Use a wire hanger
  • Consider a lockout tool kit

Note: Be careful with these tools to avoid damage!

How to Get in Locked Car


5. DIY Methods to Unlock

Some homemade methods can be used, but they need your attention!

  • Using a tennis ball
  • Using a shoelace
  • Using a plastic strip

Keep in mind, these methods may not work for all cars.

6. Consider a Tow and Locksmith Service

If all else fails, call a professional locksmith or a tow service.

They have the right tools to unlock your car without causing damage.

7. Prevent Future Lockouts

Prevention is better than the cure! Here’s how you can avoid future lockouts:

  • Always have spare keys.
  • Use smart locks with numeric codes.
  • Install a car finder app to locate a spare key.

What Not To Do

There are a few things you should NOT do when locked out:

  • Do not break the windows.
  • Avoid using excessive force with tools.
  • Never leave your car unattended if it’s unlocked.
Quick Summary – Unlocking a Locked Car
Step Description
1. Check all doors See if any door is actually unlocked
2. Use remote services Call the dealership or use your car’s services
3. Spare key Get a spare key from a friend or family member
4. Using tools Carefully use tools like a slim jim or a wire hanger
5. DIY methods Try homemade tricks with a tennis ball or a shoelace
6. Professional help Call a tow service or a locksmith
7. Prevention Keep spare keys and use smart locks

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get In Locked Car

Can A Locksmith Unlock My Car?

Absolutely, a professional locksmith is equipped to unlock your vehicle without causing any damage to it.

What’s The Cost To Unlock A Car?

The cost to unlock a car can vary, typically ranging from $50 to $100, depending on the locksmith’s pricing structure.

Is It Possible To Diy A Car Unlock?

Yes, you can attempt to unlock a car with DIY techniques like using a slim jim or a coat hanger, but it’s not recommended due to potential damage.

Will My Insurance Cover Locked Car Services?

Many auto insurance policies include roadside assistance, which might cover lockout services. It’s wise to confirm with your provider.


Being locked out of your car isn’t the end of the world.

Stay calm, and follow our tips to unlock the door without trouble.

Remember, if all fails, call a professional to assist you.

Road safety and vehicle security should always be your priority.

Happy driving, and stay savvy with your car locks!


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